Friday, May 16, 2008

Potpourri No. 21 – AKA The Right Stuff

There are many reasons to rejoice this week. Here are some of them.

  • Things are going well with Peter. Overall, he seems to be a pretty calm kid. That’s good. And Eddie’s handling him better than I expected. He seems to have genuine affection for his new little brother, which is wonderful.
  • My niece finally had her baby girl. Congrats!
  • Melanie’s parents have been staying with us since last Saturday. In addition to seeing their new grandson, they have been doing tremendous things to help us out. And Eddie’s really enjoyed having them around, too. It’ll be sad when they leave us (just 15 hours from now).
  • Two of Melanie’s brothers also visited us this week, including her brother who recently had a baby of his own. (His wife and brand new daughter were also here, so we’ve been really spoiled with seeing family.)
  • Speaking of family, I’ve received a couple of nice checks from Uncle Sam this week. Those will come in very handy. Thanks, Uncle!
  • I’ve had a huge weight taken off my shoulders when it comes to writing my thesis. For the past several months, I’ve been planning on graduating from Georgia State in August. In order to do this, I would have to meet a series of deadlines that correspond to various stages of thesis completion. The first big deadline was May 15th. I was not prepared for this deadline. However, I did some research and found out that, even if I don’t officially graduate this summer, I can start school at Florida State in August without any problems. So, instead of aiming for an August graduation date from Georgia State, I am going to receive my degree in December. This won’t matter much, because I’ll still finish my thesis and defend it by mid-August, so it will be out of the way before I ever get to FSU. It’s just that I won’t have to meet the summer graduation deadlines. This makes things just a tad less stressful!
  • I started teaching what has been dubbed “Maymester” at Georgia State University. Similar mini-semesters also exist at other schools, but I’ve never heard the “Maymester” term before going to GSU. Anyway, it’s one of those intensive, three-and-a-half-week courses that allows motivated students to cruise through a class at super-speed and be done with it in just over one-fourth of the time (week-wise) it takes to complete a course during a normal semester. So, why rejoice? Well, I just finished teaching my first week of it, and to be quite honest, it hasn’t been that bad at all. It actually feels very stress-free at the moment. I think it doesn’t feel that bad because last semester, I taught three classes in a row, and so this is actually less time teaching per day and I have significantly less students to deal with. In fact, because it’s an intensive course, I think I have a higher percentage of highly-motivated students than would be expected during a normal semester. So it’s working out nicely, and even though I feel like I’ve just started doing it, I’m already a third of the way done with the semester! I only have to go 11 more times, and three of those times I will not be lecturing. (For example, this Monday is the midterm. The midterm!) Now that I’m not so worried about cramming my thesis on top of my teaching responsibilities, I feel quite giddy about teaching. It’s a good way to earn some quick cash for the rest of the summer, when I will be drowning in thesis work.
  • I heard the new New Kids on the Block single the other day. Okay, I admit, this isn’t something to rejoice about, but it was somewhat amusing to hear it and that put me in a good mood. The song itself is only modestly catchy, and the lyrics are pretty bad. I’m not convinced that the NKOTB reunion is somehow bettering our world, but I would have wanted to hear their new stuff at some point, just out of morbid curiosity. So at least I’ve accomplished that small task.


  1. It's so good to hear from you. It sounds like things are okay so far. Good luck with everything.

    We really miss being with all of you.

  2. So glad to hear things are on the up and up for you. I'm glad you are breathing and sound happy. I must admit, I'm a little jealous of the NKOTB thing. I'll have to look into hearing that myself. It may just make life worth living!
    Thanks for keeping us posted!
