Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Alles Klar, Herr Kommissar

School starts tomorrow. Usually, I’m decently excited and motivated for a new semester to begin. Even when I haven’t had a summer break, I’m generally somewhat inspired by the thought of diving back into the world of academia, of starting anew and making the most of my educational opportunities.

Not this time.

Last spring was so draining, I still haven’t fully recovered. And the thought of doing it all again is just … well, draining. Studying languages takes so much time, and, silly me, I’ve been planning to add German to my repertoire (which, if you don’t know, already includes Ancient Greek and Latin). To top it all off, this semester I will also be planning for a wedding and preparing applications for graduate school. In short, this semester has all the potential of being the semester from you-know-where.

Luckily, I’ve seen the light. While I’m excited to learn a language that is actually in use today, there is no reason it has to be done now. And this simple realization has led to an obvious conclusion—I’m dropping my German class. Oh, the joy! Not that I won’t be busy; I’ve got plenty of projects to fill the sudden “void” in my schedule. For starters, I’ll be taking my senior capstone course, which is necessary for graduation. Rather than being a real “class,” the capstone course requires you to write a 20+-page paper on a topic of your choice. While this will certainly be time consuming, it will provide respite from my otherwise non-stop translating. German, on the other hand, would effectively fry my brain. Das ist nicht sehr gut!

But here is the most exciting news. I think I’ll start taking guitar lessons again. I think I’m finally responsible enough to make them worthwhile, and that thrills me. Throughout my teenage years, I took guitar lessons off-and-on from a variety of instructors, but I’ve never had the discipline to make such lessons pay off. Not in the way they should have. Yet I’ve long possessed a fear of regretting this uncultivated talent sometime down the road. It may sound silly, but it’s not a minor fear. Given that I’ve played guitar for 13 years or so (that is, if picking up a guitar once every few weeks counts as “playing for 13 years”), I’m a depressingly novice musician. However, I believe I excelled rather quickly when I did put forth an effort, and that gives me hope of a very fruitful future, should I decide to make it so.

I guess it’s time I learn how to change my guitar strings…


  1. Awesome! I was 22 or so when I took my first organ lesson. Prior to that there were just 4 years of piano lessons as a youngster, and my practice habits left a lot to be desired. Its ten times harder to learn as an adult, but I'm proof that it can be done... I even play in front of people now... even for money very occasionally. What did it take? Well, about 2 hours a day for a couple years, and maybe an hour a day for a few more. But it was and still is a fun time. I envy people who can practice anywhere, as guitarists can. I really should learn the guitar sometime... I'll put it right on my to-do list. :)

  2. Duh, I also should have mentioned... hooray for dropping German and avoiding overcommitment!!

  3. I think that learning a language is the closest comparison to studying math- if I can just be self righteous here. People think of it as a science, which it is, but I think it's much more akin to a language. All the symbols, definitions, structure etc. And it took SO MUCH TIME AND EFFORT! I say this to say that I admire what you do and I try to sympathize and it's all awesome. And I've always admired your guitar/musical talent. You rock!

  4. Das ist bloedsinn

  5. Hark, who goes there? Is there a Chad on the loose? "That's nonsense" - is that what you're saying to me?! Nein, mein freunde! Das ist phantastich! Meine tochter ist zwanzig Jahre alt! Meine oma ist tot! Ich habe durchfall! Wo ist die toilette!? Mein Auto ist ein richtiger Klapperkasten! Ist das für mich!? Nein, das ist für dich! Gib mir bitte einen kuss! Was kostet das??? Eisgekühlter Bommerlunder!!!

  6. My goodness, you must have a really good memory to retain all of that from the most feared German teacher... Frau Schmidt. Yellow balls she throws with fury.....
