Friday, April 15, 2005

But Enough About Me...

This week, I've continued to stumble upon high-quality blogs and add them to my links list. A bevy of choice sites are now available to the distinguishing blogophile. Here are some of my favorite discoveries (individual posts, not blogs themselves) from this past week (though the posts were not necessarily written this week):
  • For those struggling to find enough to do on the Internet to guarantee that you don't have enough time to do what you actually should be doing (you with me?), Andy of Vermont provides a link to several enjoyable animated shorts available on the web (all for free, of course). I personally find the first batch (from to be the most enjoyable. That site will give you hours of viewing pleasure, especially if you like somewhat random humor (of special note are the stick-figure-esque adventures of the Teen Girl Squad). Give them a gander today!
  • JL Pagano gave a scathing-but-undeniably-fair assessment of what used to be one of my favorite television programs, Everybody Loves Raymond. I'm embarrassed to admit my former fondness for the show, as recent viewings have led me to concur with JL. But I've noticed this with most TV shows--if you go away from them for long enough, they will seem horribly trite when you return. ELR definitely falls into that camp. (And I don't think Patricia Heaton's annoying Albertson's commercials have helped my reception of the show, either.)
  • For those who like to stew over hypothetical questions, prepare to be stewed! Is money the root of all evil? You better decide now, as both Buffalo and Kieran are positing questions that may be influenced by such opinions. Once you've decided, see what they're asking and, most importantly, let them know what you think!
  • Ivory posted a link to a hilarious site that will translate any webpage (even your own!) into gangsta speak. Obscenities abound (as one might expect), so consider yourself forewarned. To see wassup, check out the first link on Ivory's post.
Well, that should be plenty to get you started on your weekend web surfing. Until next time, take it easy and thanks for stopping by!


  1. The Shizzalator is amazing. My pastor, of all people, introduced. We translated a local church page.

    Nothing short of hilarity (n' sh@*!)

  2. Thanks for the good word! Well, since you like Teen Girl Squad, I'll give you a cheat sheet and show you where it originated, with Strongbad Email #53

    Teen Girl Squad is ok, but I'm more of an "old-timey" kinda guy. Like The Ballad of the Sneak which in my opinion is H*R's magnum opus. Caution: will be completly pointless if watched without some homestarrunner familiarity. In fact, it will be pointless anyway, but still entertaining. :)

  3. Hee hee! Look!

    The ACLU is izzle nation's guardian of liberty, know what I'm sayin'? We work daily in courts, legislatures 'n communities defend 'n preserve da individual rights 'n liberties guaranteed every person in this country by da Constitution 'n laws of da United States, know what I'm sayin'? Our job is conserve America's original civic values - da Constitution 'n da Bill of Rights, know what I'm sayin'?

    The American system of government is founded on two counterbalancing principles: that da majority of da muthas governs, through democratically elected representatives; 'n that da power even of a democratic majority gots be limited, ensure individual rights n' shit.

    Majority power is limited by da Constitution's Bill of Rights, which consists of da original ten amendments ratified in 1791, plus da three post-Civil War amendments (da Thirteenth, Fourteenth 'n Fifteenth) 'n da Nineteenth Amendment (brizzle's suffrage), adopted in 1920.

    The mission of da ACLU is preserve izzall of these protections 'n guarantees:

    * Your First Amendment rights-freedom of speech, association 'n assembly, know what I'm sayin'? Freedom of da press, 'n freedom of religion supported by da strict separation of church 'n state, know what I'm sayin'?
    * Your right equal protection under da law - equal treatment regardless of race, sex, religion or national origin."
    * Your right due process - fair treatment by da government whenever da loss of yo' liberty or property is at stake."
    * Your right privacy - freedom from unwarranted government intrusion into yo' personal 'n private affairs, know what I'm sayin'?

    We work also extend rights segments of izzle population that has traditionally been denied they rights, including Native Americans 'n other muthas of color; lesbians, gay fools, bisexuals 'n transgendered muthas; brizzle; mental-health patients; prisoners; muthas wit disabilities; 'n da poor."

    If da rights of society's most vulnerable members are denied, everybody's rights are imperiled, know what I'm sayin'?

    The ACLU wuz founded by Roger Baldwin, Crystal Eastman, Albert DeSilver 'n others in 1920. We are nonprofit 'n nonpartisan 'n has grown from a roomful of civil liberties activists an organization of mo' than 400,000 members 'n supporters, know what I'm sayin'? We handle nearly 6,000 court cases annually from izzle offices in almost every state."

    The ACLU has maintained da position that civil liberties gots be respected, even in times of national emergency n' shit. The ACLU is supported by annual dues 'n contributions from its members, plus grants from private foundations 'n individuals." We do not get any government funding, know what I'm sayin'? Learn mo' 'bout joining da ACLU."

    Yo' ass can read mo' 'bout da ACLU in izzle position paper "Freedom Is Why We're Here n' shit. "
